What does it mean to awaken the light body?

The Luminous metaphysical body is our spirit body permeating and surrounding our physical body.  This is also known as your energetic body.  It is in layers, coordinating with each chakra. Colored light permeates and surrounds you.  After a time of this spiritual practice, healing and clearing the chakras; karma clearing and being centered in love, you will awaken the triple flames of the Trinity.  The red, yellow and blue flames of the Divine centered in your heart.  As your heart awakens, a beautiful magenta red pink luminous light will slowly saturate your being, wrapping you in divine love.  With golden kundalini energy flowing up your spine, infiltrating the colors. The Magenta light heals the body.

During the guided light meditation in this series, you control and imagine what you are seeing.  When your light body awakens it all happens automatically the color and light is there for you to see, there is no effort to make it happen. You see it in your minds eye.  Energy follows thought, as you think so shall you be.


After centering yourself in your Heart Center, call to mind a person who hurt you or was unjust,  talk to them, soul to soul, tell them how their actions made you feel.  See them apologizing to you telling you they are sorry.  You may automatically see this playing out in your minds eye.  Accept their apology, you may receive an understanding of why they did what they did or not. Forgive them hug them see them giving you a beautiful gift from their heart and say good bye.  

Call to mind those you have hurt one by one.    Feel in your heart their pain until you feel genuinely sorry for the pain you caused by your words or actions and apologize, whether you feel they deserved it or not is not the issue, you are clearing your karma and freeing them and you.  This is not a statement of guilt as sometimes people are hurt by things unintentionally. Sometimes it was very intentional.  See them forgiving you for your actions or hurtful words. You may offer them a beautiful gift from your heart.   This is done in all faiths all traditions.  In the Jewish tradition, this is done in the late Summer for fall,  to prepare for Yom Kippur; in person with those that can be reached safely, now is a good time to start.

Heart Centering Prayer for Renewal

Call on Shekhinah the Goddess Mother, center yourself in her radiant light;  See an orb of magenta light radiating in all directions from your heart; see it encompass your entire body than say this prayer.

 Created by Love, surrounded by Love, I am endowed with Divine attributes of Healing and Regeneration.  Every cell in my body vibrates with love in perfect harmony and balance, restoring  health to my body mind and soul.   I am vibrating in harmony and unity with humanity, the cosmos, and nature.  I am an outpost of the Divine.

Calling the Angels

Angel of the South, Archangel Uriel, angel of light and fire, I call on your guidance, grace, blessings, your intercessions for healing for the highest good for all.  Angel of the earth, Shekhinah's angel.  Bless the organic farmers, may their crops be abundant; may they live prosperously with plenty of land. Bless the keepers of the earth,  inspire & empower their mission with God's infinite wisdom & creativity, to purify the earth, the water and the air.  We send gratitude light and love, to these Earth Angels for restoring balance to our ecosystem and health to humanity.

Archangel Uriel, Ruler of the central column of balance, restore balance and harmony in the mind of humanity, where all polar extremes bring harm.

I send gratitude for your blessings,  keeping me centered in my higher self, that I can gain perspective and balance in all areas of my life. Giving me power and strength to rise above my ego and stay centered in love. 


What does it mean to awaken the light Body?

The Luminous metaphysical body is our spirit body permeating and surrounding our physical body.  This is also known as your energetic body.  It is in layers but moves fluidly, coordinating with and influenced by each chakra. Beautiful light permeates and surrounds you.  After a time of this spiritual practice, healing and clearing the chakras,  karma clearing, one can stay  centered in love, than you will awaken the triple flames, the Trinity, the red, yellow and blue flames of the Divine centered in your heart.  A beautiful magenta red pink luminous light will slowly saturate your being, wrapping you in divine love, with gold kundalini energy flowing up your spine infiltrating the colors. This magenta light heals your body.

During the guided light meditation in this series you control and imagine what you are seeing.  When your light body awakens it all happens automatically.  The color and light is there for you to see, without effort it happens. You see it in your minds eye.  Energy follows thought, as you think so shall you be.

What is a Chakra

We are spiritual beings with a human body that resides in our spirit body.  Chakras are metaphysical organs in our spirit body.  The lower chakras slow down the frequency of light transforming it into matter in our human body.  The higher chakras increase the frequency of light to nourish our spirit body.  We are Divine Beings endowed with regenerative abilities for healing.  karmic debris can clog the chakras decreasing our light flow and energy, resulting in illness for body and soul.

 Visualization of The Soul Chakra

 Visualization of The Soul Chakra